Publication Services




Our registration services include registering your book’s copyrights, obtaining ISBN, registering price locked serial codes.


Printing and Binding

We also offer high quality printing service and multiple book binding options.


Digital Book Publication

Based on the demand of the authors, we provide a few options for online digital publications.

Design & Typesetting


Content Typesetting

We have a professional team offering personalized content arrangement for each individual authors 


Cover Design

We design team can also provide varieties of book cover designs that fit both the author and its market demands. *



Press Conference

We offer press conference services, which take place at our office on Capitol Hill. Authors can taking advantage of our location to maximize the book’s influence. **



We have advertisement gurus that can place book advertisements to most demanded readers. **


* Not all books published has cover design done by Citizen Press.

** Not all books fit for promotions.